Southern Colorado Family Medicine provides learning opportunities for both osteopathic and allopathic medical students.
Year Osteopathic Rotations
Colorado Family Medicine in association with the University of Health Sciences
in Kansas City offers third year rotations to third year osteopathic students at
The University of Health Sciences School of Osteopathic Medicine who are
interested in Family Medicine. If you have any further questions please
feel free to contact Nancy Hamilton at
Southern Colorado Family Medicine.
Year Rotations
fourth year rotations are available for both allopathic and
osteopathic students. Interested fourth year students are required
Provide a letter from the dean of your medical school stating that you
are a student in good standing.
Provide proof of medical insurance.
Provide proof of medical malpractice liability insurance.
Family Medicine Inpatient Service
Students work with 2 interns and 2 upper level residents on the Internal
Medicine service caring for medical patients in the hospital. 1-2 mornings/week
the student will attend the High Risk OB clinic. Students will participate in
the Family Medicine Clinic 2-3 times per week. This rotation provides you with
the broadest exposure to the residents, faculty and staff.
Rural Private Practice
Students will work in the private office of a rural family physician in a rural town nearby. Students will be able to contrast these clinics with the 2-3 half days of clinic at SCFM.
Sports Medicine
Students will work in the private office of a residency graduate whose
practice is approximately 50% sports medicine. Students will attend all sports
clinics and games with the physician. 1 day will be spent in the Family Medicine